
Please contact me for further information or if you would like to see the range of Happy Days creative resources for young people, activities and materials for people with dementia:
Gillian Hesketh: or telephone Gillian on: 01253 899163

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Dementia and Nurturing ...

Many elderly people enjoy remembering happy times spent with their grand children or children.
Spending our lives looking after our children, baby-sitting our grand children and nursing our great grand children can create many happy memories for us to remember and recall.
For different reasons, some people who are living with dementia may enjoy the act of nurturing - some may be living out earlier memories, others may have been midwives, teachers or helped look after their siblings.
Happy Days Nurturing Memory Basket contains a soft baby doll, baby blankets, bottle, folding items, easily recognisable objects to prompt memory, replica memorabilia, conversation prompts and carer guide.
Choose other themes or budget; By the Seaside, World War II, Glorious Gardening, Sport, Baking Day, Make Do & Mend - Ideal for personal gifts, presenting to organisations, beneficial for residential care home residents, domiciliary care, day centres and more.
Te; 01253 899163 or email

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