Almost completed ... books 1, 2 and 3 !
I now feel I have a Masters Degree in Laminating ... positioning paper in exactly the right place, suitable mg weight laminate cover appropriate for the specific project need, mastery of the temperature for paper and laminate combined weight, steady hand, patience ...
Details of content available; bespoke service to schools, caring and dementia support services to follow very soon ...
Welcome to Happy Days ~ Early Intervention Resources. Designed for Children, Young People and Adults to identify / express difficulties / needs. Social Activity Resources for people living with Dementia. Enriched Care Workshops for Residential Care Homes - Assisted Living - Volunteers - Families - Carers: Memory Boxes - Sorting Boxes - Conversation Prompts - Games + more. Shop at: and Donations to Blackpool Carers' Centre
Please contact me for further information or if you would like to see the range of Happy Days creative resources for young people, activities and materials for people with dementia:
Gillian Hesketh: or telephone Gillian on: 01253 899163